Environmental Standards
Addressing the realities of aquaculture emerging in farming operations to promote more sustainable practices and improve the livelihood of local small-scale producers
Assess your environmental impact
The ASIC Environmental Standard is a comprehensive producer-level standard that provides technical guidance on environmentally sustainable aquaculture practices.
This standard offers producers of all scales an enhanced framework that addresses environmental risks, improves farming productivity and monitors their sustainability performance, providing credible assurance for a sustainable product offering in the market.
The ASIC Environmental Standard supports producers to progress towards better farming practices accustomed to specific landscapes and characteristics of Asian farming operations. It covers several aspects set out in principles ranging from broodstock to harvest, disease and waste management, and seed and feed sources. The standard focus creates a framework for communal group management applied in shrimp farming standards. The standard implements a place-based approach to ensure that its application can support producers to be more resilient in specific challenges while improving practices and contributing positively to the environment. The standards offer practice improvement towards international environmental standards that, most importantly, cater to Asian practices characteristics. Producers can use the standards to improve practices, increase their resilience to address challenges, and be acknowledged in sustainable production.
Initiated by discussion and training on how to do a self-assessment and the standard's benefits, producers are then guided through a self-assessment process where data are added into our application system. ASIC reviews and construct gap analysis and needs assessment based on the provided data. To further construct an improvement plan, ASIC follows on-site verification in the actual operation, data and identifies place-based challenges faced. Together with producer or producer groups, an improvement plan and the timeline and stakeholders involved are created.
ASIC Improvement Programs
ASIC has created various tools and programs with stakeholders including improvement protocols for both shrimp aquaculture (ASIC Shrimp) and fisheries (ASIC Fish). ASIC Shrimp is an improvement program, eventually leading to the designation of shrimp producers as ASIC Compliant or ASIC Leader prior to verification, while ASIC Fish is meant to help fish producers simply improve. ASIC has also developed a number of programs meant to serve as core to ASIC verification standards as well as optional ways to further improve operations.



ASIC Shrimp
ASIC Social and
General Standard
The ASIC Social Standard for Aquaculture operation is the latest ASIC tool developed to address the complex social and gender challenges pervasive in the seafood sector.